A good way to learn new words is to practise describing a photo.
What can you see in the photo?

When describing a photo you can think of different elements.
You can find them here.
To learn how to talk about position in a photograph see this document, pages 3 and 4
To learn how to talk about position in a photograph see this document, pages 3 and 4
When you describe a picture, you can talk about facts ( The sky is blue ) or impressions ( It looks like summer (for more phrases with look ask me for a worksheet)).
Here are some more ways of talking about your impressions and opinions:
- might e.g It might be someone's birthday
- I think e.g I don't think they're going on holiday
- perhaps / maybe e.g Perhaps she's tired
- probably e.g It's probably summertime
Ask me for worksheets.
Try these strategies to describe the photos on Page 27 of FCE Result.
Ask me for worksheets.
Try these strategies to describe the photos on Page 27 of FCE Result.
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