Tuesday 28 February 2017


Listening can be the most difficult skill. It is important to practice as much as possible.
A great website to help you with this is listenaminute.com
On this website you can find 500 small texts in conversational English. These texts can help you to improve your pronunciation and identify common words and phrases that mother tongue natives use. Learning and copying these can both help you to sound more natural in English.

In the lesson we looked at one the texts about travelling.

Here you can the worksheets we used.

In the text we looked at you can find many verbs expressing likes and dislikes. 

See here for more

You can also mark the text to remember some important aspects of pronunciation, in particular word stress. For more information on this see


There are also some very interesting dictation exercises


Use these discussion questions to think about your experience of travelling


Non dimenticare di ripetere sempre le frasi da utilizzare quando ci vediamo in classe. Piu si ripetono le cose, meglio si memorizzano.

Imparare frasi fatte e un buon modo per sempre piu naturale in inglese.

Potete trovare frasi da utilizzare in diverse situazioni su questo sito.


Troverete delle frasi da utilizzare quando incontrate una persona per la prima volta.
Ci sono due colonne, nella prima colonna l’inglese e nella seconda colonna la traduzione in italiano.
Cliccando sulla frase in inglese si puo sentire la pronuncia.
Cercate la traduzione in inglese delle seguenti frasi

1.       Mi chiamo…
2.       Sono…
3.       Piacere di conoscerti (2 frasi)

4.       Questo e

Dopo le presentazioni, bisogna portare avanti la conversazione dando informazioni personali.

Per fare questo potete utilizzare il verbo essere.

Studiate il verbo essere in Unit 1 di Essential English Grammar in Use


Guardate come si presenta Lisa e fate voi delle frasi simili alle sue in esercizio 1.4

Qui troverete un video sul verbo essere in inglese e italiano con la pronuncia.


Qui ci sono interessanti esercizi di dettato.



In part 1 of the PET exam, the examiner will ask you some questions on familiar subjects to help you to feel comfortable.

You can find videos of this part of the test on Youtube

You can find a similar conversation in Insight into PET, page 141.

This is a typical conversation when you meet someone for the first time. In any new situation you can prepare yourself in advance.

Think of questions that you could ask someone for each of the categories on Page 77 of Insight into PET,

To revise the grammar of questions see here


Monday 20 February 2017


Last lesson we looked at some fixed phrases to use when we have our lesson or when you meet someone for the first time.

But that is the easy part. After that you need to continue the conversation. A good way to do that is to ask questions on personal information. The exercises here can help you learn some important words and questions.


You may have to spell or ask for the spelling of some words. To do this you can use the police or international alphabet.


Here are some common acronyms


Can you spell them?

Here are some tips for reading website and email addresses


Wednesday 15 February 2017